12 / Combat Fight

In this combat fight lessons, students will learn a variety of martial arts techniques from different disciplines, including boxing, Thai kickboxing, Kali knife fighting, 52 blocks fighting, Taekwondo, and Aikido. These techniques will be taught in a progressive manner, starting with the basic fundamentals and gradually building up to more advanced moves and combinations. Students will learn the proper stances, footwork, and strikes of boxing, as well as the kicks, knees, and elbows of Thai kickboxing. They will also learn the intricate knife fighting techniques of Kali, as well as the unique defense and evasion movements of 52 blocks fighting. Additionally, students will learn the fast and powerful kicks of Taekwondo, as well as the circular and fluid movements of Aikido. They will also learn how to blend and harmonize their movements with their opponent's energy, using Aikido's principles of

All prices are including Sales tax where applicable

One-time payment
$ 1560.00
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